Jan is an esteemed artist and scientific illustrator, widely regarded as an expert in the design and creation of museum dioramas.

In his 45-year career, he has created works for many of the most prestigious museums and cultural institutions of North America, such as the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

Wanapum Heritage Center, Mattawa WA. (2015)

Wanapum Heritage Center, Mattawa WA. (2015)


Scientists and curators rely on artists to render the abstract into the concrete by transforming data and theory into coherent subjects such as landscapes, plants, and animals.

Ancient Denvers series: Paleozoic Rockies, 300 million years ago. (2001)

Ancient Denvers series: Paleozoic Rockies, 300 million years ago. (2001)

Jan has decades of experience working with scientists, researchers, and other experts from numerous museums and scientific and cultural institutions, to bring long-dead species and environments back to life.

Beyond merely visualizing the science, Jan creates immersive environments which envelop the audience through rich detail, deep distances, and an intuitive command of scale. Viewers experience the landscape as they are educated about it.